Kamis, 29 September 2011

ulasan produk

innovative products, make us easy to work, with the technology offered by iwowe be no distance limitations, we can communicateface to face no more obstacles, the world seemed to become morenarrow, you should try it extraordinary. it is advisable to have abranch office outside the area, making it easier to interact with each other.

Jumat, 23 September 2011

An Introduction to the World of Embroidery

When you think of embroidery, you probably think of your grandmother knitting you a pink bunny rabbit outfit for Christmas. Embroidery just might be the domain of your grandmother, but it still had plenty of people who are interested in getting started in embroidery. There is a real generation gap between today’s youth and their grandparents. Teenagers seem to be more interested in their Sony PS2 and AOL Chat than learning about hand made crafts. However, the tradition is alive and well on the internet. After all, embroidery doesn’t change every six months and embroidery has been here for years. How long has the PS2 been out again?

As far back as Egyptian and Hebrew times individuals decorated their clothing with rich embroidery. The 18th and 19th Centuries brought embroidery to a whole new class of people, and even today, it seems that the craft has successfully migrated to cyberspace. Unlike a lot of other industries including travel agents who have seemed have missed the boat.
The internet has allowed hobbyists and professionals from all over the world to mingle and discuss their latest embroidery projects. There are dozens of custom embroidery websites and people are always looking for free embroidery designs.

Rabu, 21 September 2011


Some time ago I found a site that frankly at that time I did not quite understand what it is, but I still register there, until my membershipfor some time to let it alone but over time I became curious about the site and trying to figure out what is the function of the site, after Ilearned little by little so it will understand its function. There is a name that is APSENSE.COM,
and the link is:  http://www.apsense.com/invite/yadimld1?url=[TARGETURL]

Mencoba bisnis investasi

 hallo semua tak terasa ya sudah lama juga tidak membuka blog saya ini,memang karena kesibukan di dunia nyata jadi lupa pada dunia maya he..he..he..,pada beberapa minggu ke belakang tak sengaja waktu saya surfing di google saya menemukan sebuah bisnis investasi yang menurut saya begitu  sederhana dan kata hati saya mengatakan bahwa bisnis ini bukan scam...,saya juga heran kenapa baru sekali jumpa saja saya sudah percaya pada situs ini? dan coba saya pelajaridari member member yang mengirim testimoni sangat menganjurkan bisnis ini.adapun bisnis ini adalah investasi di forex gold,yaitu trading emas yang menurut logika awam jarang sekali mengalami penurunan harga,tapi biarpun begitu tetap saja mengandung resiko kerugian,di bisnis manapun kerugian ini pasti berpotensi. tapi yang menarik bagi saya adalah tentang pengelolaan investasi oleh admin yang begitu transparan,kita bisa memonitor langsung secara real time trading yang dilakukan oleh pengelola.
jadi kita bisa melihat untung atau rugi trading yang kita ikuti.demikianlah dulu sekelumit tentanginvestasi yang saya ikiti,dan ap[abila ada di antara anda sekalian yang tertarik akan investasi itu,inilah link nya :